Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Maguires Wax Car Wax Help?

Car Wax Help? - maguires wax

I have a 2001 Honda Civic and it is to wax. She begins to protect signs of aging and wax, which I heard tell. My question is, therefore, I carwith wax or wax polish wax, and the use of this type (ie Maguires cleaner / wax, NXT or carnuba gen.)


pickmefi... said...

Mothers car wax for 2001 are good, a little cleaner mothers, so much cleaner and carnuba

hot chick 25 said...

The Meguiar's mind, they look great, but its shelf life is below average. search your local drive and collect some DURAGLOSS 105 Polish. To go drive a car with harsh winters. My husband says that although it says is a Polish lacquer varnish, which apparently takes much longer than wax. He knows whereof he speaks, because living the details of the car for and can grow almost all the polish and imagine. (probably for testing purposes, but I know better)

Just Me said...

Maguire wax clean.

mister ss said...

to bar sound, then a good wax such as Meguiar's high-tech wax melts the wax with a stamp of the railway.

mister ss said...

to bar sound, then a good wax such as Meguiar's high-tech wax melts the wax with a stamp of the railway.

1Da said...

From what I hear, Maguire is the best companion.
Good luck and Cheers ^ ^

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