Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kids Outdoor Playground How Can I Keep Cats Away From My Kids Outdoor Play Area?

How can I keep cats away from my kids outdoor play area? - kids outdoor playground

We play equipment which are filled with sand, can not be met. I need to keep a long term solution, that children do in the safe cats, which cats are stuck in the sand. Ideas?


puteh said...

God! A recipe for conflict. I can only recommend is a device that is very small and will be operated by the movement. Then it sends an alarm that acute cats grow Nuts - (and perhaps all of you!) And scary. It's like a scarecrow Electronics / Alarm movement! Sorry - I do not know the name.

If it rains too much where you are, you can also help white pepper on the size of the sandbox - about a month - to keep it too!.
But this is hard! Good luck :-)

November said...

Gee. It is a difficult question. What is keeping them indoors where they belong? "

Rippledi... said...

Cats and dogs do not like the smell of the peel of citrus fruits. You can sand with citronella oil and clean each cat doo all day for 4 or 5 days. Whenever you have a lemon in the kitchen on the skin, finely chopped and spread over the area to avoid cats. I have had success with this method, but I have not tried in a bunker. Good luck.

Rippledi... said...

Cats and dogs do not like the smell of the peel of citrus fruits. You can sand with citronella oil and clean each cat doo all day for 4 or 5 days. Whenever you have a lemon in the kitchen on the skin, finely chopped and spread over the area to avoid cats. I have had success with this method, but I have not tried in a bunker. Good luck.

Rahab said...

The fences do not keep cats.

When the neighbors cats, go to the pet store and buy some catnip, and catnip for a walk quietly in the vicinity of the dump owners.

If there is ever lost or not, how to call the owners, animal control.

There are commercial repellents for animals can be purchased at the pet store. Most are aerosols, the kind who reapplied every 24 hours.

Rahab said...

The fences do not keep cats.

When the neighbors cats, go to the pet store and buy some catnip, and catnip for a walk quietly in the vicinity of the dump owners.

If there is ever lost or not, how to call the owners, animal control.

There are commercial repellents for animals can be purchased at the pet store. Most are aerosols, the kind who reapplied every 24 hours.

Rahab said...

The fences do not keep cats.

When the neighbors cats, go to the pet store and buy some catnip, and catnip for a walk quietly in the vicinity of the dump owners.

If there is ever lost or not, how to call the owners, animal control.

There are commercial repellents for animals can be purchased at the pet store. Most are aerosols, the kind who reapplied every 24 hours.

dodo_bir... said...

Fill a glass filled with clear water near the entrance (or the area you want to stay away from cats) and it is the cats I am not sure how it works, but keep cats in my yard =>

EDIT: not as the individual tracks can only half =)

maxximum... said...

This is your cat or cats in the neighborhood?

If they your cats, keep their cats in the house.

If there are cats in the neighborhood, you might consider a fence for your garden.

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