Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Using A Shaving Brush Is It Necessary To Use An Aftershave Gel Or Moisturizer After Shaving Using An Electric Razor? Please Help...?

Is it necessary to use an aftershave gel or moisturizer after shaving using an electric razor? Please help...? - using a shaving brush

I ask for help if I have a gel or a cream moisturizer to use after shaving after shaving? Also, if I shave my face with a facial, wet or dry? Might even shave in the process with an electric razor ... Thank you ...


A Dull Man said...

Good question. First, the general rule that lubricated, keep it wet if you shave with a razor and the skin with cream. If you have an electric razor, keeps the skin dry. Some men have sensitive skin and need a moisturizer, cream, etc., then you use an electric razor.

Keep clean electric razor. Clean after each use. Some manufacturers have the technology to clean up and charge the battery.

There are people who can not use razors or electric shavers. For them, grow a beard or the use of a chemical pulp that dissolves facial hair. Hope this helps.

Spanky Gazpacho DW said...

I get an electric razor rash. To get the best shave .. I'm sitting in a room with steam for 10 minutes to soften the hair .. Can I when shaving with soap and a razer sharp shower. I apply a moisturizer afterwards.

Electric Shaver usual .. Dry, but you can be a pre'shave "kind balm that causes the skin supple and hair shaved mustache .. much better." Men's Lab "have a good idea and then a balm called" Anti-Scald "or sommativa.

The mom said...

You should always shave with a dry face, if you use a straight razor are planned to be used wet or dry. In this case, shaving cream or gel used to lubricate the face. To get after shaving to calm always a good idea to use a cotton swab and witch hazel skin and reduce razor rash caused by bacteria. Helps prevent razor grains. If you're prone to dry skin, a moisturizer is not a bad idea. They made especially for people who use electric shavers, and it is best just to try and see what works best for you. With an electric razor or another, it is best to decrease the growth of hair, not against them. Shaving the top with an electric razor rather go at the end at an angle to the ingrown hairs will be promoted. And do not expect a baby smooth shave cylinder with electric razor and shaving is no longer on the skin under greater pressure to get it. You'll find yourself with a terrible rash that way. A good way to prevent the outside of a credit card or other use of tha Plastic AgeIf the size / form / matter, the evening before bedtime. They only scratch the card with the skin side up and scrape the hair ends and to stimulate the skin. Some guys do not have the skin that can have an electric razor, though. If you have a skin rash, despite using the blade of a witch hazel and moisturizer can on these guys. I do not recommend dipilatory creams on the face, unless your hair is naturally curly beard. It is a bit of a raw material, strong enough to eat hair is strong enough to eat the skin. And she often does. If they rely on a single blade razor, hot water and lots of shaving cream / gel. I know how a mother knows, is not it? I used to teach trainees how to shave, for many years in active service in the AF. Hundreds of teaching has to shave as a weekly class of blades. And he showed my husband and two children since then. In addition, as a nurse, I shaved a few guys too. Good luck, can be closer to his beard.

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